Patients can avail of ample parking at Waterways Medical Centre.
Out of hours service
If you require immediate medical attention, please contact KDOC on 1890 599 362. Before you call, ensure you have the following details to hand:
The name of your GP
Your medical card number (if applicable)
What the medical problem you’re experiencing seems to be
How long you have been experiencing symptoms and how severe they are
Information on any other medication you may be taking
Information on any other long standing medical issues
Our modern yet comfortable medical centre was established by Dr. Gaithri Veerasingam in 2008 in Waterways, Sallins, Co. Kildare. We have provided our patients in Sallins, Naas and surrounding areas with a thoroughly competent and professional health care service ever since, and have established a firm reputation as an accommodating and efficient medical centre.
Our medical centre is favourably located and has extended opening hours (including a Saturday clinic) for our patients’ convenience.
Additional Centre Information
Making an appointment
Making an appointment at Waterways Medical Centre can be done through telephone or email. CONTACT US
Arriving for your appointment
To ensure as efficient and smooth a service as possible, it is advisable to arrive at our centre 5 to 10 minutes before your appointment.
Cancelling your appointment
If you need to cancel your appointment, please give us as much notice as you can. You can cancel your appointment by calling (045) 85 3814
New Patients
We welcome new patients at Waterways Medical Centre. If you wish to become a patient of ours, please call or email us for more details.